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Productive Online Board Meetings

The success of online board meetings depends on a variety of factors such as a well-planned agenda, clear communication protocols, and reliable technology. Despite these potential hurdles, boards who take the time to implement best practices that have been proven can achieve high levels of productivity.

Start your meeting with an open discussion. The ability to ask questions that force participants to speak up can be a great way to energize discussions. In addition, beginning your meeting with a poll or survey tool can help you determine areas that need to be improved.

Limit the amount of time spent on reports and “have to” items. The attendees will lose interest and attention if you overburden them with lengthy reports. As a general rule you should limit your time to 25 percent of your time to these types of discussions. This leaves plenty of time to talk on more strategic topics.

You want to ensure that everyone has a positive experience at your meeting. Make use of the Boardable platform to increase participation and create an warm and welcoming environment for all attendees. Encourage members of the board to be punctual at meetings and to observe meeting etiquette and to maintain an excellent level of professionalism.

A productive online board meeting requires that board members have a clear understanding of how their position in the organization is impacting others. Boardable’s Task Manager and Minutes Maker makes it easy for board members to update their roles between meetings and be informed about progress and challenges. This helps to foster collaboration amongst the board and creates a more efficient, dynamic online meeting.

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